Everywhere Forever

24. Leeds, Town & Country Club, 1 November 1995

I eat breakfast while listening to a tape of Thom and Jonny on XFM sent by my Croydon pen pal (it was only broadcast in the Greater London area). She’s sent the whole session from the Gary Crowley show, it includes another new song, An Airbag Saved My Life, the title is inspired by, “A… Continue reading 24. Leeds, Town & Country Club, 1 November 1995

Everywhere Forever

My Iron Lung. Smash Hits Poll Winners Party. 3 December 1995

Living in a student flat with dodgy electrics, having to share a TV with four other people, not having a VCR on which to record anything… I was always worried about missing something. Without the means to buy my own TV and living in an era before You Tube had even been thought of, trying… Continue reading My Iron Lung. Smash Hits Poll Winners Party. 3 December 1995

Everywhere Forever

28. Manchester, Apollo, 11 July 1996

The year seems to go by quickly. I'm still doing my part time degree course and still living in a student hovel. Radiohead bubble under in my consciousness. Highlights are the wonderful Street Spirit promo video; writing to Frances, a girl who I met at a gig who is putting together a funny little fanzine… Continue reading 28. Manchester, Apollo, 11 July 1996